Sunday, January 24, 2016

The True Evil

These are your slave drivers. They own you, they own me, they own the world. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016


Hello my friends, I am Concert Guru Sagdiev and I am good friends with Grand Pooba. after the passing of President P, I was asked co-host this website! Pre hiatus, I joined the Scuzzlebutt Club as a Private. Slowly but surely, I rose in the ranks and became Surgeon General, as well as a fellow Pooba. Please accept me as one of your own, for i will not be leaving. As long as i am here, why don't you check out my blog !

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Bernie Sanders and How he Can Save Us

When i think of politicians, i automatically correlate them to corruptness and lies. Which I assume if you are reading this, you do to. But when i see Bernie Sanders, I don't sense either of those. As a small-time mayor from Vermont, to a senator, he has the perfect disposition to gain momentum and reach his goal as the President of The United States. But how does this affect you? Well, assuming you are a citizen of the United States, you and everyone you know will be greatly affected by the outcome of this Presidential race.
                As the first candidate in a long time to refuse Super PACs, Bernie is surprisingly successful. But what will he do for us? His plan is to first raise the minimum wage to 15 dollars. this is a huge deal guys! Imagine a single mother who cannot afford to feed her children so she takes on 3 jobs. for some of us, this scenario isn't too far from the truth. Now the 15 dollar minimum may not solve the problems, but it sure as hell will help!
              I do not have the time to write more at the moment, but if we want to start to save this country, we are going to need a new outlook on politics. and Bernie is the Solution. -GP

Donald Trump and Why He Sucks

As Howard Zinn once said, “If the gods had intended for people to vote, they would have given us candidates.” Well we do have candidates, and lots of them. But I would like to focus on one particular candidate: the Donald. Mr. Trump coins himself as a socialite, investor, business aficionado, and author.  But his latest publicity stunt is his candidacy in the Republican Party. This is strange to me for a couple of reasons.
 First of all, he identified as a democrat until 1987. So that means the fun-loving bundle of joy who headlines the hate train that we now call the GOP, has completely flipped sides, as if a soldier started defending enemy lines. Aside from his political infidelity, people are concerned about his volatile nature and impulsive, non-premeditated statements. According to Business Insider, Trump attempted to copyright his signature phrase, “you’re fired.” It seems as if the shocking comments are endless. Almost instantaneously after he makes direct blows to the people he is speaking to, his ratings will go up in the polls. All while mimicking to nearly perfection a certain era of Germany that I need not remind you of.
Not unlike other candidates of his party, Donald Trump uses fear tactics to scare his audience into following him, for example, the infamous speech he gave about the dangers of Hispanic immigrants.  They say, “Fear IS the greatest motivator,” in his case, I guess it is. To top it all off, he is the most hateful to other candidates and other humans alike. His comments towards Rosie O’Donnell are quite unorthodox to say the least.
The Donald Trump Campaign manager (Corey Lewandowski) sure seems to have a tough job keeping up with his boss, but what is his game? Well according to ABC News he worked for the Republican National Committee and spent seven years at Koch. Also according to politico, he once had an entire debate with a cardboard cut-out of Governor John Lynch. He must not have it too badly off because the Washington Post stated he feels that he has the best job in politics. Good for you Corey Lewandowski!

As a bystander watching the world continue as it is today, I can see the patterns of the economy and the world. The supercycles of economic infrastructure, which are basically 50, 60, and 80 year cycles of the economy. Predict every economic bust and break. They also predicted Mr. Donald Trump. This campaign is no new feat of humanity. There have been depressions and fluctuations throughout humanity and all we can do as individuals is evade the chaos. My call to action is move to the Netherlands and dodge the largest scar in American history. Is America already great? I think not, but if we keep focusing on building walls and guns, we won’t be able to focus on the things that matter like the 17 trillion dollar debt and counting. 
This was a paper i recently did for a class. i hope you enjoyed it! -GP